So you've decided that you want to set up your Internet relationship to provide wireless Internet access. You might be switching from a wired network for the first time, or maybe this is your 1st contact dealing directly with an Internet service provider. Regardless of the reason, you're going to want to take some time to set this up right, because although it can seem daunting at 1st to set up the wireless network, a dinky study ahead of time can save a lot of aggravation later.
Get a capability product
The 1st step, assuming that you've already secured Internet access, is to obtain a wireless router. It may appear easy enough to just go to the store and get whichever router is cheapest, but much like tissues or kitchen knives you'll consideration a determined unlikeness in capability if you base your selection solely on the price point. A cheap router might from suffer carrying out issues or outdated safety standards, and a speculation surface the established brands (3Com, Belkin, and Linksys, among others) is a gamble when it comes to customer service and support.
When selecting a router, you should look for the following features:
* 802.11n wireless standard, also known as 11N or Wireless-N. This is the current wireless standard, that uses many antennas to good cope traffic.
* Wi-Fi Protected Setup or Wps security. This would be the most recent in wireless security, created for its user-friendliness. Some devices even come with push-button configuration to make setup straightforward on the user.
Shop colse to a dinky first and get some feedback regarding your options. Don't just depend on online reviews or the belief of the sales staff; talk to your buddies, house members, and co-workers about their experiences with wireless routers. There really isn't any substitute for hands-on contact with a stock like this.
"Well, of course, you're gonna get hop ons..."
If only one piece of guidance can ever be given about wireless networking, it would be this: obtain your wireless network. Some citizen deliberately leave their networks open to provide entrance to neighbors or visitors, while others naturally never obtain their networks in the first place. This is probably the worst thing you can do with a wireless network. If your buddies and neighbors really need entrance to your network, that you can provide them the key. Leaving your wireless network open entirely defeats the point of having safety on your network.
Manage the Frequency
Aside from the approved "power-cycle the modem and router" advice, there are really some basic steps you can take to keep your signal strong and your carrying out excellent. First, remember that wireless routers broadcast on determined frequencies (the 2.5 Ghz band, to be precise). If you're determined that you really should be getting signal and instead you're getting reduced signal or interference, try seeing for further devices in your home that might be broadcasting on exactly the same frequencies. Interference can also be caused by further colse to wireless networks using exactly the same definite channel as your router, ordinarily because of default settings on the router.
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